Looking for tips to keep your Polaroid Lab in mint conditions? Check here how to clean your Polaroid Lab rollers!
Excess developer paste can build up on the Lab’s rollers, causing imperfections on your finished photos. Use the Lab’s roller cleaning mode to help with this issue.
To clean rollers:
1. Turn off the Lab
2. Open film door
3. Hold down the right touch point on the platform (Lab facing you) and red shutter button together for two seconds or more
4. Rollers will move to the cleaning mode start position
5. Release buttons. The Polaroid Lab is now in roller cleaning mode
6. Gently clean the rollers using a clean damp cloth or cotton swab
7. Press the shutter button to move the rollers as you clean
8. Once both rollers are clean on all sides, close film door
9. Your Polaroid Lab is ready to use again